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Anabolic Steriods


by Paul

 "Physicians need to come up off their anal-retentive attitudes and brainwashed mentalities about steroids."

I am a 42 year old man with an incredible passion for bodybuilding and intelligent use of anabolic steroids. I also have a deep and lasting passion and friendship with my 43 year-old ex-wife. It appears after 6 years apart the it will always be that way.

About a year ago, she called me and told me that she needed me to come over to talk to me about something important, which I did. She informed me that her physician could not get her weight above 89lbs after months of iron supplements, ensure, vitamin supplementation and the like.

Right before she had called me they had told her that they were going to insert a feeding tube if things did not improve very soon.

She was desperate for help and mortified at the thought of a feeding tube. Knowing that I was an AS user she asked me if there was anything that I could do without her becoming masculinized in the process. 

She is by nature a very lean and supple woman and very feminine. She had been a gymnast when she was younger. A digestion problem is what was hindering her weight gain and was also why they were so anxious to get weight on her.

They wanted to do surgery, but her present weight would not support the stress of surgery and recovery.

I wanted to help her and knew that I could if I did some research. I went to the Steroid Encyclopaedia website, where I joined as a member, as well as some other websites and came up with a very good feminine cycle which would meet her objective of solid gains.

Her doctor wanted her to get to 105lbs. I asked her if she was willing to ask her physician for anavar. She said that she was not comfortable doing that and that he was already impatient with her and she felt him to be unapproachable in that way.

With that answer, I gave her a 100mg shot of Norma Deca, and started her on 7.5mg of anavar/day. I also insisted that she begin training with me or else she would be shut off from the AS. She agreed and we began a MWF schedule of good solid total-body workouts.

Due to the lengthy duration of her emaciated state, she had suffered from amenorrhea and had not menstruated for 7 months. She also said that she had no sex-drive and had vaginal dryness.

This would of course be consistent with the low estrogen levels. About one week into the AS cycle, I gave her a blister pack of 50mg clomid and she started one/day. She was to do that for 15 days, but we must have hit it right because on day 10 her breasts became sore and two days later she began cramping.

She also reported feeling good and not "cranky" anymore. The lack of estrogen was mimicking midlife "change" symptoms.

This is now about 17 days into the cycle so I gave her a shot of Sten (one whole amp) to push things along.

Well, let me tell you, nothing was or has been the same ever since that day. The Deca, anavar, Sten, and clomid began to work synergistically, and the Sten is so fast-acting.

She loved the boost in energy, was beginning to gain weight, and now was starting to feel stronger in the gym and not dread the workouts. She also began to flirt with me a lot so I knew that the sex-drive was on it's way back too.

She has always had nice quads and these were the first muscles to really take on a nice look. Then her shoulders and rhomboids. Soon, her whole body was responding and she was in total awe.

So was I...I could not believe how sexy and tight this woman was becoming. I bought her a month of tanning and she began that. We live in a winter climate and that accelerated her recovery by fighting the seasonal affective disorder of winter blaws.

This whole time I had her eating like a top-notch athlete. Very premium cuts of red meat, as well as lots of salmon, tuna, and chicken breast.

We wanted permanent gains so we stayed away from the quick-gain foods and too much fat or starches. I did have her eating a lot of peanut butter though, as well as granola. She loves both and they are good non-saturated fat sources.

Well, in only 8 weeks Lorrie had gained 16 pounds and weighed out at 105lbs. Her physician was elated and of course he thought that his protocol of ensure and vitamins was responsible.

He told her that she would soon be strong enough for surgery. Knowing that she would probably lose some of the weight once off the cycle we kept at it, and her cycle was now the following:

* 100mg Norma Deca/week
* 10mg anavar/day
* 50mg enathate/week
* 150 grams protein/day
* 20 grams glutamine/day

She was feeling great and in her own words told me in the gym one day that she could not remember ever feeling so good.

I could not help but feel a powerful sense of gratitude for what I was able to do for this woman. I also felt some anger at the medical society for being so anal about AS use and for not at least trying her on some anavar.

After 15 weeks she weighed 112lbs. and looked unbelievable. She was so lean and cut in the rhoms, shoulders, and quads. 
We were now flirting with each other and needless to say....

She went into surgery 18 weeks after starting the cycle and had been off of the steroids for 3 weeks.

According to my advice, she told her surgeon what she had been on incase their were any contraindications with anesthesia, or anything else.

The day of surgery she still weighed 109lbs and looked awesome. We had continued to workout and eat great.

I would agree with the idea that practicing medicine without a license should be a crime, but I would have to say that the converse should be true as well, ie., not practicing medicine with a license should be a crime as well.

Physicians need to come up off their anal-retentive attitudes and brainwashed mentalities about steroids.

After all, the United States is a Minority when it comes to the amount of countries that ban the personal use of steroids.

That alone should tell us all something. Most countries allow the personal use of Anabolics. If I am not mistaken, even England who mirrors the US in it's austerity, allows for small amounts of personal possession and usage.

Since the surgery and her recovery, Lorrie still wishes to use anabolics on short cycles. Her latest one was an 8 week use of 25mg proviron/day, and that was all. She felt "great" on it, and certainly suffered no ill-effects as a result. We continue to train together one day/week and are leaving for Florida in 4 weeks to do a vacation at the beach with our little ones. She is enjoying life instead of laying in bed being tube fed.

Click here for more hard-hitting straight-from-the-hip wisdom



Eight common sense steroid "rules"...
are you using them?

From Steroid Encyclopedia

I. Always Cycle off of AS for at least 6 weeks.

The rule of thumb regarding how to cycle on and off of
steroids is that one should cycle off of the AS for the same
amount of time that they were on.

Most of us cheat at times though and do not stay off of the
juice for the recommended time each time that we cycle.

Sometimes a goal is trying to be met which will require a
quick return to the AS in order to not lose gains. At times
like this, I strongly recommend that one stay off of the
juice for at least 6 weeks in order to give the pituitary-
axis a chance to rest and to restore the cholesterol levels
somewhat to normal.

During these shorter rests I always use an additional herbal
supplement to aggressively detoxify my system. One such
detox would be the use of ESSIAC tea and Milk Thistle.

Amazing things can be done in the body with these two
together in just 4-6 weeks. Additionally, I use the clomid,
nolvadex, and hcg therapy for 4 weeks, and then continue
with Tribulus/DHEA stack of 1250mg/day for the next two
weeks, along with Saw Palmetto.

I have yet to have problems with my natural test after 6
weeks of such therapy and cleansing. The cleansing, however,
is mostly in order to keep my liver, kidneys, spleen, etc

If one must stay on something, then many have had good test
recovery while still using 100-200mg of Primobolan/week
while simultaneously doing a recovery cycle like the one
mentioned above.

II. Always Rotate Injection Sites

Many of us find a favorite spot to "go into" and then we
tend to just use that for quite awhile. I saw one guy who
had a huge area of scar tissue on his hip due to injecting
over and over again in the same area.

Using the same spot can cause abscesses, and at the very
least excessive scar tissue which makes it hard to inject
into and hard for the oil to disperse from.

Read the section on the Steroid Encyclopaedia site which is
devoted to "Proper Injection" and you will find much relief
when it is time to rotate sites.

Also, most oils can be drawn up in a 22 gauge needle and
typically a one inch length is sufficient.

When using a watery substance such as Winstrol, Sten, Test
Suspension, or the like, one can easily use a 23-25 gauge
needle and save themselves some pain.

Multi-use vials of Winstrol usually require a 23 gauge but
the Zambon can be utilized with a 25 gauge.

Another important rule is to not inject more than 2ml into
the deltoids or other smaller muscles. For amounts in excess
of 2ml the glutes are recommended. And remember to inject at
the rate of 1ml per ten seconds and leave the syringe in for
10 seconds when finished.

This will help the oil to disperse somewhat and will
minimize how much of the oil "follows" the syringe out of
the injection site when pulling it out.

More about these techniques and locations of injection can
be found on the SE website under the injection article.

III. Do Not Talk Loosely About Your AS Usage

I know a guy in the gym who goes around talking to it seems
like everyone about his AS usage. One day he began to tell
me about his cycle and I had to tell him that there was a
State Policeman working out well within earshot of us.

The cop was in his workout clothes and this guy had no idea.

Now that I see what kind of person he is (big mouth) I
always tell him that I am off of everything and going
natural for a while.

The reason is this...

You can be sure that if he tells others about his own usage
then he would have no conviction about telling people about
my usage.

We live in a time that is especially sensitive to illegal
activity it seems and the "ears" are out there. The last
time I wired money with Western Union the lady was kind of
suspicious about it and said that many of the rules have
changed with regard to wiring money since 9/11.

It was the first time that I ever had to tell the clerk what
I did for an occupation. Bodybuilders cannot be too careful
right now.

A recent bust of an AS supplier in Boston revealed in the
newspaper article that local police had noticed his
increased muscularity prior to the bust.

Apparently this had increased their interest and suspicion
as he began to match a certain profile of an Anabolic
Steroid user.

If anything I try to play my life around AS's down, and I
don't ever keep them where they can be found or " happened"
on by anybody in my life.

Another interesting point that I feel compelled to make is
the thought that although I believe that our significant
others need to know about our AS use to better understand
mood swings and libido changes, one should first evaluate
very carefully what kind of person that they are involved
with. There are women (and men) out there who will turn you
in to the authorities for vengeance when they are jilted.

IV. Don't Lose Sight of Long-Term Goals

There have been times when I wanted to throw reason to the
wind and just juice my ass off. At just the right moment
though I would remember that I have two children who I adore
and who need me around for awhile.

Or, I would remember that our health is precious and
fragile, and that although the body is an incredible and
resilient machine, it does have it's limitations.

When we are tempted to sacrifice all for this hobby of
bodybuilding, we need to remind ourselves that to truly
master something we need to be in control of it rather than
it to be in control of us.

I have so far been lucky to have bodybuilding and AS in my
life as an enhancement to my life and relationships, and as
a springboard to other successes. I work hard to keep it
that way and hope that I never have to suffer
unmanageability as a result of lopsided values in this sport
and from supplementation.

I continue to explore bodybuilding and the juice as a way to
life. If one of your long-term goals is to be a professional
bodybuilder, then at least balance it out with the thought
that you will still want to retire with your health someday
even if you do achieve the pro card.

V. Help the Younger Generation Use Up Their Natural Genetics First

Part of what will help this sport stay honorable is if the veteran players in the game help the younger bodybuilders stay clean from AS until they are at least over 25. I have had young guys ask me if I knew about AS or could I help them get some AS. I always tell them "no" and feel somewhat sad that they feel the need at such a young age to use the juice.

Help them explore their natural genetics and use those up first. Until one is really good at "instinct training" the whole realm of AS use and advance bodybuilding that comes with it is a dangerous playground.

Unfortunately, there is a whole group of young people right now who don't even want to train if they cannot do a cycle. These youth are greatly endangering themselves and it is important that the law enforcement community sees us veterans collectively as an opposing agency to such foolishness and risk.

We are not just a bunch of "meat heads" with no compassion or concern for our youth. Let's not be ashamed to do what is right when the time comes. The image and sport of bodybuilding depends largely on what the seasoned veterans do with the knowledge that they have. Sites such as Steroid Encyclopaedia are a perfect example of a professional and organized attempt at caring for the sport and others.

Such a website is an attempt to groom the mind of the AS user in a responsible and healthy way. It is an action of community spiritedness, and it defies the reckless
endangerment of previous AS usage by many of our
predecessors who did not have our knowledge. We owe much to the many who went before us as they tested the waters with trial and error.

VI. Do Not Skimp on Doctor's Visits

We spend hundreds and thousands on cycles in order to look and feel great. Let's not forget to maintain our inner health and spend to necessary money for health insurance and the necessary exams/bloodwork.

It seems that a lot of bodybuilders skimp in this department and leave much to chance or to be discovered at the level of it becoming a serious illness. The old adage that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is appropriate here.

VII. Remember the Three Components of Fitness

The times when I have gotten the most out of my AS usage is when I am balanced in the three areas of fitness: Cardio-vascular health; muscular strength/endurance; and, flexibility. Keeping up with serious cardio and doing plenty of stretching will greatly aid in the overall health of an AS user.

Our cholesterol levels will be more manageable with the increased cardio, and the flexibility of frequent stretching will greatly aid with circulation as well as assist with injury prevention. I have found that even when my cholesterol levels are temporarily high after a cycle, they are very readily brought back to normal with proper nutrition and aggressive cardio workouts. Staying with lean, more expensive cuts of meat and fish at all times also greatly helps in this department.

With regard to flexibility, I recommend to my clients that they stretch at least three times/week for 20 minutes each time. Also, it is important to hold any given stretch for at least 20 seconds at a time as durations less than that only serve to make the muscle contract and tighten up, thus being counterproductive to flexiblity and injury prevention.

When one holds a stretch steadily for over 20 seconds they will feel a slow release and stretching of the muscle begin to happen. This is true stretching at its best and is what we should aim for.

VIII. Do Not Train Lazy or Become Disorganized In Your Training

Anabolic Steroids are only part of the answer to getting big, looking good, and feeling great. I have seen guys who had an incredible cycle of goodies but they were just not getting that look that you would expect.

Upon exploration I would find out that they were not taking in enough of the right calories or the right amount of calories; were not sleeping enough; were not drinking enough water (a huge part of your body is made up of good ole H2O); or, were just not training their ass off. They wanted to make the AS do all the work. Also, many had done little or no research about training with AS. This is lazy training and will rob you of potential gains.

Click here for more hard-hitting straight-from-the-hip wisdom

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